Международный призыв, NoG20 international

Июль 2017, саммит G20 в Гамбурге. 20 самых влиятельных мировых лидеров, мира в глубоком кризисе и смятении, СМИ со всего мира. Но там будет не только могущественные и влиятельные. Мы будем следить за тем, чтобы голоса многих разных стран мира были «в эфире»: голоса против социального неравенства, мер жёсткой экономии и эксплуатации; голоса против войны и техногенной эко-катастрофы; наши голоса за солидарность, другой выбор и концепции. Мы знаем, что можем сделать наши голоса услышанными, если мы будем громкими и чёткими. Сиэтл 1999, всемирные марши против войны в Персидском заливе, площади Мадрида, Стамбула, Нью-Йорка и Лагоса, Blockupy 2015 во Франкфурте и Международные Женские Марши доказали это. Continue reading “НАС МНОГО! МЫ ГРОМКИЕ! МИР УСЛЫШИТ НАС”

G20 Platform Germany greets G7 protests

Solidaritätserklärung der G20-Plattform mit den Protesten gegen den G7-Gipfel in Taormina

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde!

versione italiano: Dichiarazione di solidarietà della piattaforma NoG20 con le proteste contro il G7 di Taormina.

Wir entsenden euch solidarische Grüße zu eurer Demonstration gegen den G7-Gipfel in Taormina, und zu euren Alternativgipfel, und wünschen euch einen erfolgreichen Protest ohne polizeiliche Repressionen! Proteste wie der eure sind wichtig, um den Widerstand gegen die neoliberale Weltordnung und solidarische Alternativen zu ihr sichtbar zu machen!

Aus dem gleichen Grund bereiten wir – eine Plattform kirchlicher, globalisierungskritischer, umweltpolitischer und linker Initiativen, Organisationen und Parteien – einen großen Protest anlässlich des G20-Gipfels in Hamburg am 7./8. Juli vor. Auch bei uns wird es einen alternativen „Gipfel für globale Solidarität“ (5./6.7.) geben, gefolgt von einem Aktionstag des zivilen Ungehorsams am 7.7. und einer internationalen Großdemonstration „Grenzenlose Solidarität statt G20“ am 8.7.

Wir laden euch herzlich ein, Anfang Juli nach Hamburg zu kommen,  um euch an den Protesten zu beteiligen!

Mit solidarischen Grüßen,

G20-Plattform Deutschland

Open letter to the people of Hamburg

File: Open letter to the people of Hamburg

File: Press Release

N o G20 International Coordinating group



Press release of the International No G20 coordinating group 17.05.2017

“Do not be afraid, because we come as friends”, says Patrick Bond, economist and activist from South Africa, when he talks about coming to Hamburg to protest against the G20 summit. “We want to take away the fears of us, which are fueled by politics”. In the letter co-written by him to Hamburg’s civil society it says: “The true invaders and destroyers of our cities are the G20 and we must protect ourselves together. If they want a democracy-free zone in Hamburg, we want a G20-free Hamburg.”

Already for months people from countries like Argentina, France and Ireland plan their journey to Hamburg. The International No G20 coordinating groups clarifies that they want to protest in July in solidarity with the people living in Hamburg: with respect for their neighborhoods and the inspiring activities within them, that emanates solidarity and freedom. Bettina Müller from Attac Argentina says: “I am looking forward to Hamburg and its people and hope that one gets to know each other during the protests”.

The International No G20 group is part of the global preparation of protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg and is composed of different groups from Europe and the world. This includes for example Attac Argentina, the network “BRICS from below”, social centers from Italy, left groups from Eastern Europe and human rights groups. The protest plans include a congress, blockades, actions of mass civil disobedience and a big demonstration.


No-G20 Call_signatories

74. 11. July 2017 Arshad Khan
73. 08. July 2017 Peri Labeyrie
72. 08. July 2017 Jasy Khandaker (Dhaka, Bangladesh)
71. 07. July 2017 Michael johnson
70. 06. July 2017 David Lawrence Cade
69. 06. July 2017 Daniel Robinson
68. 05. July 2017 Sarah Farquharson
67. 27. June 2017 Colectivo Banderas libertaras
66. 23. June 2017 Piran Azad
65.  19. June 2017  Occupy Ljubljana
64.  13. June 2017  Douwe Bouma (Partij voor de Dieren)
63. 13. June 2017 Gijs-Jan Bruil (Netherlands)
62. 12. June 2017 Eleonora FORENZA – Member of European Parliament, GUE/NGL group, Rifondazione Comunista
61. 07. June 2017 MOREPLA (Mouvement revendicatif des paysans  de  l’Artibonite )
60. 07. June 2017 Comac (Student movement of the Workers’ Party of Belgium, PTB-PVDA)
59. 29. May 2017 Parti du Travail de Belgique / Partij van de Arbeid van België – PTB/PVDA
58. 29. May 2017 Stelios Foteinopoulos (Momentum UK, political analyst and activist)
57. 29. May 2017 Carmine Miccoli (PaxChristi Italy, We Are Church)
56. 29. May 2017 TTIP GAME-OVER
55. 18. May 2017 City Plaza Hotel, Refugee Accommodation Space, Athens (Greece)
 54.  17. May 2017  Anne Kock
 53.  17. May 2017  Clara Arnold (Right to the city Bonn, Nachbarschaftsverein Viktoriaviertel e.V., Germany)
 52. 17. May 2017

Anarchistická federace (Czechia)

 51.  17. May 2017 JOC Wallonie Bruxelles (Belgium)
50.  15. May 2017 Action Autonome Liège (Belgium)
49. 15. May 2017 Alternative Libertaire Bruxelles (Belgium)
48.  15. May 2017 NO-G20 Belgium
47. 12. May 2017 Direkte Solidarität mit Chiapas – (Switzerland)
46. 12. May 2017 Anne Lizer
 45.  12. May 2017  liaqat corp (PVT) LTD
44. 5. May 2017 Resource Institute of Social Education – RISE (India)
43. 2. May 2017 German Communist Party (DKP)
42. 2. May 2017 Attac Italia (www.italia.attac.org )
 41.  2. May 2017 Recht auf Stadt/ Right to the City (Hamburg, Germany)
 40.  2. May 2017 Gängeviertel project (Hamburg, Germany)
39. 2. May 2017

Maria Luisa Boccia (presidente, Centro per la riforma dello Stato, Italy)

38. 2. May 2017

Bia Sarasini

37. 30. April 2017
Alfonso Gianni (member of Altra Europa con Tsipras, Italy)
36. 30. April 2017
Nancy Cardoso (Comissão Pastoral da Terra, Brasil)
 35.  30. April 2017

International Forum – Danmark (https://www.internationaltforum.dk/ )

34. 30. April 2017

Interventionist left (http://interventionistische-linke.org/ )


























































Continue reading “Signatories”


Luglio 2017, il vertice del G20 ad Amburgo. Con i venti leader più potenti del mondo, in un mondo in profonda crisi e turbolenza, sotto gli occhi dei media globali. Ma non si troveranno là solo i potenti. Faremo in modo che siano ascoltate le voci delle diverse lotte di tutto il mondo: le voci contro la disuguaglianza sociale, l’austerità e lo sfruttamento; le voci contro la guerra e la catastrofe ecologica; le nostre voci per la solidarietà, per scelte e visioni altre. Sappiamo che possiamo far sentire le nostre voci, se sapremo parlare con voce forte e chiara. Seattle 1999 e Genova 2001, le mobilitazioni globali contro le guerre nel Golfo, le piazze di Madrid, Istanbul, New York e Lagos, Blockupy 2015 a Francoforte e il movimento globale delle donne lo hanno dimostrato.

We are many! We are loud! Τhe world will hear us

If you want to sign the call in solidarity just write an email to international@g20-2017.org.
We will publish the first list of signatures during the weekend of 7th and 9th of april.

July 2017, the G20 summit in Hamburg. With the world’s 20 most powerful leaders, in a world in deep crisis and turmoil, the world’s media will be present. But it is not only the powerful and mighty who will be there. We will make sure that the voices of the many different struggles around the globe will be “on air” as well: the voices against social inequality, austerity and exploitation; the voices against war and manmade eco-disaster; our voices for solidarity, other choices and visions. We know that we can make our voices heard, if we are loud and clear. Seattle 1999, the global marches against the Gulf War, the squares of Madrid, Istanbul, New York and Lagos, Blockupy 2015 in Frankfurt and the Global Women’s Marches proved it.

The G20 will try to square the circle and protect the globalized system of domination from its own self-destructiveness. And they will try to rearrange the whole world in order to serve the interests of the rich and powerful. This is why we, the lively resistance in our many shapes and forms, will be in Hamburg. Continue reading “We are many! We are loud! Τhe world will hear us”

Nous sommes la masse ! Nous sommes bruyants ! Le monde va nous entendre !

En juillet 2017, le sommet du G20 se tiendra à Hambourg. Avec les 20 dirigeant.e.s les plus puissant.e.s du monde, dans un monde profondément crise et dans la tourmente, les médias du monde entier seront présents. Mais il n’y aura pas que les puissant.e.s qui seront présent.e.s. Nous nous assurerons que les voix des nombreuses luttes partout dans le monde seront aussi “sur les ondes” : les voix contre les inégalités sociales, l’austérité et l’exploitation; les voix contre la guerre et les désastres écologiques d’origine humaine; nos voix pour la solidarité, les choix et les visions alternatives. Nous savons que nous pouvons faire entendre nos voix, si nous parlons fort et distinctement. Seattle 1999, les manifestations mondiales contre la geurre du Golf, les places de Madrid, Istanbul, New York et Lagos, Blockupy 2015 à Francfort et les marches des femmes partout dans le monde l’ont prouvé. Continue reading “Nous sommes la masse ! Nous sommes bruyants ! Le monde va nous entendre !”

¡Somos muchxs! ¡Hagamos oir nuestra voz! ¡El mundo nos escuchará!

Julio 2017, la cumbre del G20 en Hamburgo. Con los 20 líderes más poderosxs del mundo, en un mundo convulsionado y en profunda crisis, los medios hegemónicos estarán presentes. Pero no solo lxs poderosxs estarán ahí. Vamos a hacer que todas las voces de las muchas y distintas luchas alrededor del mundo se escuchen ”en vivo”: las voces contra la injusticia social, austeridad y explotación; las voces contra la guerra y el desastre ecológico provocado por los seres humanos; nuestras voces de solidaridad, de otras opciones y visiones. Sabemos que podemos hacer escuchar nuestras voces, si gritamos con claridad nuestras consignas; Seattle 1999, las movilizaciones globales contra la Guerra del Golfo, las plazas en Madrid, Estambul, Nueva York y Lagos, Blockupy en Frankfurt y la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres lo han comprobado. Continue reading “¡Somos muchxs! ¡Hagamos oir nuestra voz! ¡El mundo nos escuchará!”

Είμαστε πολλ@! Κάνουμε θόρυβο! Ο κόσμος θα μας ακούσει

Ιούλιος του 2017: η σύνοδος κορυφής των G20 στο Αμβούργο. Με τους 20 πιο ισχυρούς ηγέτες του κόσμου, σε έναν κόσμο σε βαθιά κρίση και αναταραχή, τα παγκόσμια μέσα θα είναι παρόντα. Αλλά δεν είναι μόνο οι ισχυροί και δυνατοί εκεί. Θα σιγουρευτούμε ότι οι φωνές των πολλών διαφορετικών αγώνων σε όλον τον κόσμο θα είναι επίσης “στον αέρα”: οι φωνές ενάντια στις κοινωνικές ανισότητες, τη λιτότητα και την εκμετάλλευση, οι φωνές ενάντια στον πόλεμο και τις ανθρωπογενείς οικολογικές καταστροφές, οι φωνές μας για αλληλεγγύη, για άλλες επιλογές και οράματα. Ξέρουμε ότι μπορούμε να το καταφέρουμε όταν φωνάζουμε δυνατά και καθαρά. Το απέδειξαν το Σιάτλ το 1999, οι παγκόσμιες πορείες κατά του πολέμου του Κόλπου, οι πλατείες της Μαδρίτης, του Ιστανμπούλ, της Νέας Υόρκης και του Λάγος, Blockupy 2015 στη Φρανκφούρτη και οι παγκόσμιες πορείες των Γυναικών. Continue reading “Είμαστε πολλ@! Κάνουμε θόρυβο! Ο κόσμος θα μας ακούσει”