Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below

Open Letter and Call for European networks and movements to discuss:
Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below

Dear friends and comrades from European networks and movements,
Dear friends from these last years of struggle for a Europe from below,

We are living in turbulent times. The “old world” we have known and fought against is crumbling. However, “the new” that is currently emerging does not come about with any signs of positive change. Rather, this is a “time of monsters” appearing all too clear and in frightening speed! In this mess, political responses of global capitalism vary from the “business as usual” of the neoliberal élites up to old and new populist right- wings, that offer nationalist and protectionist proposals with a return to reactionary, authoritarian and deeply asocial modes of ruling. In their competition for political power, they presuppose and feed into each other. It truly is the time of monsters! A time of systematic denial and restriction of fundamental social and civil rights to all, a time of intense social and political precarity, a time of “the survival of the fittest”. Continue reading “Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below”