Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below

Open Letter and Call for European networks and movements to discuss:
Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below

Dear friends and comrades from European networks and movements,
Dear friends from these last years of struggle for a Europe from below,

We are living in turbulent times. The “old world” we have known and fought against is crumbling. However, “the new” that is currently emerging does not come about with any signs of positive change. Rather, this is a “time of monsters” appearing all too clear and in frightening speed! In this mess, political responses of global capitalism vary from the “business as usual” of the neoliberal élites up to old and new populist right- wings, that offer nationalist and protectionist proposals with a return to reactionary, authoritarian and deeply asocial modes of ruling. In their competition for political power, they presuppose and feed into each other. It truly is the time of monsters! A time of systematic denial and restriction of fundamental social and civil rights to all, a time of intense social and political precarity, a time of “the survival of the fittest”. Continue reading “Let’s use the Anti-G20 mobilization as stage and step of our struggles for a Europe from below”

Nous sommes la masse ! Nous sommes bruyants ! Le monde va nous entendre !

En juillet 2017, le sommet du G20 se tiendra à Hambourg. Avec les 20 dirigeant.e.s les plus puissant.e.s du monde, dans un monde profondément crise et dans la tourmente, les médias du monde entier seront présents. Mais il n’y aura pas que les puissant.e.s qui seront présent.e.s. Nous nous assurerons que les voix des nombreuses luttes partout dans le monde seront aussi “sur les ondes” : les voix contre les inégalités sociales, l’austérité et l’exploitation; les voix contre la guerre et les désastres écologiques d’origine humaine; nos voix pour la solidarité, les choix et les visions alternatives. Nous savons que nous pouvons faire entendre nos voix, si nous parlons fort et distinctement. Seattle 1999, les manifestations mondiales contre la geurre du Golf, les places de Madrid, Istanbul, New York et Lagos, Blockupy 2015 à Francfort et les marches des femmes partout dans le monde l’ont prouvé. Continue reading “Nous sommes la masse ! Nous sommes bruyants ! Le monde va nous entendre !”

Registration and Accommodation

Hi comrade, friend and No G20 activist,

if you read the Invitation and you want to join the international work meeting in Hamburg please write us an email to international@g20-2017.org with the following information:

How many you are?

If it is possible: Network, organization or initiative

How long do you stay?

When do you arrive?

We will try to answer as soon as possible. If we will not do so, be sure, that there will be accommodation for you.

International NO-g20 work group


Conference Agenda

Proposed Agenda for the Meeting, April 7

After 10 am Arrival, coffee, registration

11:00 – 11:30 am Welcome and introduction to the meeting with international video/audio messages

11:30 – 12:30 pm A Plenary discussion, political debate and exchange on the global political situation, the role of the G20 summit in July 2017 and the significance on the transnational mobilization/dimension (this part of the meeting will be open to all by livestream).

Why ist he G20 protest in the summer of 2017 important, why are they a chance for a transnational convergence of voices and struggles, what is it that we need to do and want to say in /with Hamburg? With brief inputs to start the common discussion from different context (Europe, Germany, from G20 countries from out of Europe)

12:30 – 1:30 pm An introduction to Hamburg and the German mobilization, to alliances, local organizations and the plans developed so far

With representatives and reports from the various work groups and alliances with specific focus on the structure and activities of the “compact week” (summit for global solidarity on July 5 & 6, the day of action on the start of the offical summit on July 7 and the mass demonstration on July 8) as well as on other activities, demonstrations and logistics (camp, anti-repression, arrival, assemblies etc).

This session will give an overall picture and what to expect and address how to get involved in the mobilization and specific activities such as the counter summit, the mass march, civil disobedience etc.

1:30 – 2:30 pm Lunch Break

2:30 – 3:00 pm Checking the needs for the transnational process and mobilization – planning the work to be done and introduction of working groups necessary in order to organize the transnational political and work process

Introduction of working groups such as transnational mobilization, media work and material; structuring the organizational /work process: drafting a plan of necessary organization structures, coordinating structures and outreach etc.; logistics in Hamburg (camp, infopoints, languages and translation of necessary info); legal information and anti –repression; participation as transnational movement in the different planned actions and demos; creating a mobilization calendar/collective use of homepage (and other workshops might come up)

3:00 – 4:45 pm Working in the mentioned work groups – coming up with results for the plenary and overall process

4:45 – 5:00 pm Coffee Break

5:00 – 6:00 pm Closing plenary and report of the working groups

Saving the results (minutes, dissemination etc.), agreements for work process (meetings, conferenc calls, workgourp processes etc.)


Friday after 7 pm (for those still in the city): Come-together at Centro Sociale (Sternstraße 2, 20357Hamburg, http://www.centrosociale.de/hinfinden)

Sat. in the morning (meeting point: Gängeviertel at  9 a.m): Getting a feeling for Hamburg – a guided walk through the heart of the political city and locations of the counter activities

Saturday/Sunday Action conference at St. Pauli Ballsaal for those who are in the city and are interested. There will be action trainings for civil disobedience and anti- repression workshops in english. (see https://www.g20hamburg.org/en/content/invitation-second-action-conference-against-g20-summit-hamburg)

¡Somos muchxs! ¡Hagamos oir nuestra voz! ¡El mundo nos escuchará!

Julio 2017, la cumbre del G20 en Hamburgo. Con los 20 líderes más poderosxs del mundo, en un mundo convulsionado y en profunda crisis, los medios hegemónicos estarán presentes. Pero no solo lxs poderosxs estarán ahí. Vamos a hacer que todas las voces de las muchas y distintas luchas alrededor del mundo se escuchen ”en vivo”: las voces contra la injusticia social, austeridad y explotación; las voces contra la guerra y el desastre ecológico provocado por los seres humanos; nuestras voces de solidaridad, de otras opciones y visiones. Sabemos que podemos hacer escuchar nuestras voces, si gritamos con claridad nuestras consignas; Seattle 1999, las movilizaciones globales contra la Guerra del Golfo, las plazas en Madrid, Estambul, Nueva York y Lagos, Blockupy en Frankfurt y la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres lo han comprobado. Continue reading “¡Somos muchxs! ¡Hagamos oir nuestra voz! ¡El mundo nos escuchará!”

Είμαστε πολλ@! Κάνουμε θόρυβο! Ο κόσμος θα μας ακούσει

Ιούλιος του 2017: η σύνοδος κορυφής των G20 στο Αμβούργο. Με τους 20 πιο ισχυρούς ηγέτες του κόσμου, σε έναν κόσμο σε βαθιά κρίση και αναταραχή, τα παγκόσμια μέσα θα είναι παρόντα. Αλλά δεν είναι μόνο οι ισχυροί και δυνατοί εκεί. Θα σιγουρευτούμε ότι οι φωνές των πολλών διαφορετικών αγώνων σε όλον τον κόσμο θα είναι επίσης “στον αέρα”: οι φωνές ενάντια στις κοινωνικές ανισότητες, τη λιτότητα και την εκμετάλλευση, οι φωνές ενάντια στον πόλεμο και τις ανθρωπογενείς οικολογικές καταστροφές, οι φωνές μας για αλληλεγγύη, για άλλες επιλογές και οράματα. Ξέρουμε ότι μπορούμε να το καταφέρουμε όταν φωνάζουμε δυνατά και καθαρά. Το απέδειξαν το Σιάτλ το 1999, οι παγκόσμιες πορείες κατά του πολέμου του Κόλπου, οι πλατείες της Μαδρίτης, του Ιστανμπούλ, της Νέας Υόρκης και του Λάγος, Blockupy 2015 στη Φρανκφούρτη και οι παγκόσμιες πορείες των Γυναικών. Continue reading “Είμαστε πολλ@! Κάνουμε θόρυβο! Ο κόσμος θα μας ακούσει”

Oproep voor G20 in Hamburg: We zijn met velen! We zijn luid! De wereld zal ons horen.

Juli 2017: G20-topconferentie in Hamburg. Met de aanwezigheid van de 20 meest machtige leiders van de wereld, terwijl de wereld op zijn kop staat en in diepe crisis verkeert – de media van de wereld zullen aanwezig zijn. Maar het zijn niet alleen de pracht en praal die daar aanwezig zal zijn. Wij zullen er voor zorgen dat de stemmen van de verschillende strijdperken over de hele wereld, de stemmen tegen sociale ongelijkheid, bezuinigingen en uitbuiting, de stemmen tegen oorlog en door mensen aangerichte eco-rampen, onze stemmen voor solidariteit, andere keuzes en visies, dat die stemmen ook “in de lucht” zullen zijn. Wij weten dat het mogelijk is om onze stemmen te laten horen, als we luid en duidelijk zijn. Seattle 1999, de Mondiale Marsen tegen de Golfoorlog, de bezette pleinen van Madrid, Istanbul, New York en Lagos, Blockupy 2015 in Frankfurt en de Global Women Marches hebben dat aangetoond. Continue reading “Oproep voor G20 in Hamburg: We zijn met velen! We zijn luid! De wereld zal ons horen.”

Invitation to an International meeting to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit, July 7 th /8 th in Hamburg

Come in and find out!

The first discussion part of the International NoG20 work meeting on friday will be broadcast live. Start at ~11a.m. The role of the G20 summit in July 2017 and the significance on the transnational mobilization and dimension.


UPDATE for the International meeting to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit, July 7th/8th in Hamburg April 7 from 11 am to 6 pm

See for invitation (http://g20-protest.info/category/international-meeting-on-7th-of-april/invitation/), calls etc. see http://g20-protest.info; write to international@g20-2017.org for any question

Location: Gängeviertel, Valentinskamp 34, 20335 Hamburg

https://www.google.de/maps/place/Valentinskamp+34A,+20355+Hamburg/@53.5553,9.9827028,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47b18f17196aa139:0x406d94bfea5dc5d4!8m2!3d53.5553!4d9.98325, 2 stops with the subway U2 from the central station to station Gänsemarkt


Our common language will be English so that we can work and build the work structures we need, however, any translation for certain statements/contributions will have to be organized collectively, we will try to have people able to translate in these special situations in French, Spanish, Italian (permanent translation will not be provided)

Registration and accommodation:

Please register at http://g20-protest.info/category/international-meeting-on-7th-of-april/ for the meeting, the preparation of the meeting and for accommodation. There will be solidarity accommodation but only for people who say so beforehand (until April 3) so that we can provide it


Next 7th and 8th in July, the heads of the states of the most powerful countries in the world will meet for the G20 summit in the city of Hamburg. We know most of their faces and accuse them of pushing policies of domination and exploitation, of racism and xenophobia, of impoverishment and war. The G20 represents another phase of “global governance” that is augmenting the G8 (actually, the G7 since Russia’s accession of Crimea). The G20 was formed in 2008 when capitalist globalization entered a nearly fatal meltdown. In a context of near-permanent crisis, leading regional military, economic and political powers are attempting to bandaid structural problems – but at the same time compete within the “organized chaos” of markets.

On the one hand, the G20 promised to become a better forum with wider membership – including the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc – so as to amplify the power and legitimacy of the multi-polar neoliberal world order. On the other hand, G20 policies are resulting in the deterioration of living conditions for millions of people, women and men, who pay the price for this model of global injustice, along with environmental devastation including climate catastrophe.

For twenty years, our movements for “global justice” have opposed this top-down power and rejected the philosophy known as neoliberalism, its realities and future risks. Today, we see the ecological crisis and the destruction of life unfolding before our eyes; we see financial crisis “management” resulting in the concentration of extreme wealth for few (the 1% have as much wealth as half the planet) and mass impoverishment for the majority of the people; we see a proliferation of armed conflicts, in which ordinary people – especially those resisting the injustices – pay the highest price with their lives, while the military industry gets unprecedented high profits; we see millions of people being forced to leave their homes in pursuit of shelter and a better life, while walls, on land and sea, are built and condemn them to death.

This disastrous situation turns even more disastrous by giving birth to “its own monsters”. The old representatives of the “status quo” and establishment cling to their privileges, while reactionary forces emerge out of this mess. The latter use the social disasters and multiple crises to push for an order that in reality only protects the “old centres”. Nationalism, protectionism, the diminishing of public space and socio- political rights are accompanied by claims to speak on behalf of the “Volk” (the homogenous, ethnically cleansed people). This is just another class, race and gender war to secure the privileges of the few. However, with a truly monstrous face.

We have fought impoverishment and war since decades and in various ways. We fight locally and globally. We do not only resist, but also practically demonstrate the alternatives. Twenty years ago the movement of movements used to say, another world is possible. Today, in front of the disaster capitalism and the “political monsters” that it is producing, we claim that not only another world is possible, but that WE ARE THE OTHER WORLD, possible and necessary!

While the state elites make deals in Hamburg, we strongly believe that this summit is not only the right moment and place to act, to stand together on the streets of the city of Hamburg with loud voices and in manifold ways. Our answer to the summit of the powerful must be also a transnational convergence of resistance and alternatives, of unity and solidarity. It is time now to give the no-G20 mobilisation a broad international breath, starting at the European level.

Continue reading “Invitation to an International meeting to prepare the mobilisation against G20 summit, July 7 th /8 th in Hamburg”